Brad Johnson

Kæri kennari

Í fyrirlestri sínum, er nefnist Kæri kennari, eða Dear Teacher, talar Brad um áhrif kennara á nemendur, hvernig við gerum gæfumuninn, mikilvægi staðfestu og að finna hæfileika sína sem kennari og starfsmaður.

Love what you teach, but love WHO you teach more.

— Dr. Brad Johnson

Spurningar og svör frá Sli.Do

Q1: How do you see the role of a teacher evolving in the next decade, especially with advancements in technology?

I think as technology handles more technical tasks, teachers will focus on developing students' emotional intelligence, communication, and collaboration skills—key traits for success in a workforce that values creativity and adaptability.

At the same time, technology will help teachers personalize learning by tailoring instruction to individual student needs—allowing flexibility in pace, style, and content to enhance learning outcomes.

Q2: Do you have ideas or strategies you recommend for teachers who are struggling to connect with students?

Yes, take time to find out their passions and their interests. Also, try to help them identify their talents or strengths as well. People, including students, love to talk about themselves, and really love to share when it's a passion. And then try as much as possible to include students' interests or passions into lesson plans, which will greatly increase engagement.

Q3: How can one boost the confidence of staff in schools so that they believe more in themselves and understand that they and their approach to students are so important in students' learning and lives?

In my book Becoming a More Assertive Teacher, I discuss how teachers who lack confidence or who always say yes and have difficulty setting boundaries, really lack assertiveness. Learning how to speak up for yourself, and to set boundaries, and focus on your strengths will help build confidence.

Hver er Dr. Brad Johnson?

Dr. Brad Johnson er reyndur fræðsluleiðtogi sem leggur áherslu á að gjörbylta kennslu- og stjórnunarháttum. Sem umbreytingarleiðtogi setur hann samvinnu og eflingu annarra í forgang. Brad hefur skrifað 15 bækur um menntun, þar á meðal metsölubækur eins og „Principal Bootcamp“ og „Dear Teacher“með hagnýtum leiðbeiningum fyrir kennara og skólafólk um allan heim.

Bækur eftir Brad Johnson