Darren Hudgins

Developing Digital Detectives

Núverandi landslag upplýsinga er byggt á smellum, þar sem markmiðið er að fréttirnar verði ‘viral’. Í þessu umhverfi er hætt við að réttmæti greina og nákvæmni fréttaflutnings sé stundum á reiki. Að skoða læk eða deilingar sem einhver frétt eða saga hefur er ekki nóg til þess að meta hvort hún sé sönn.

Darren segir í sínum fyrirlestri frá nokkrum leiðum sem kennarar geta notað með nemendum sínum til þess að þjálfa þau í gagnrýnni hugsun og að meta hvort fréttir séu sannar, hver hagnast á að deila þeim og hvaðan upphaflega fréttin kom.

“The challenges we face as a species are monumental. The consequences of inaction are dire. We may not always agree on who is to blame or who has the best solution, but we do know that the answers to those questions must be rooted in facts. That’s why we need Digital Detectives. ”

— Darren Hudgins

Spurningar og svör af Sli.Do

Q1: What can I do when students are praising or spreading fake knowledge they "know" is true but I think is wrong (but I am not sure is wrong) ?

I’m not quite sure I understand this question, but I’m going to take a guess as to what you might be asking. 

If you are asking about students “praising or spreading” fake news that they know is untrue … then I think you would want to take them through exercises looking at Triggers lens - personal feelings (If someone was spreading false information about you, how would that make you feel?) and the Access lens - what we call the Community Reading Experience - Both lenses are outlined in the Developing Digital Detectives book and evidence locker that accompanies the book. Also, I would spend some time teaching your students the difference between mis, dis, and mal information because that helps them understand intent. 

As to your comment about being the steward of fact vs. fiction, I do not think you should have to carry that responsibility. Things change by the minute, and the teacher can't be expected to know everything. Jennifer (my coauthor) and I want to encourage you to create inquiry (critical thinkers) and strong social-emotional mindsets in your students so they will press pause first and then decide if what they are reading or hearing is worth engaging in (read, share, like, etc.) 

Q2: Where can I find teaching materials to teach about fake news?

I’m biased, but Fact vs. Fiction (our first publication), and Developing Digital Detectives (which comes with the evidence locker that has over 100+ lesson plans and resources. You can also look at Common Sense Media, Media Literacy Project, Poynter (+ Media Wise).

Q3: How can I tell a student who believes fake news not to take them from granted without letting the student feel foolish and dumb?

Everyone, even so-called “experts,” get fooled by mis, dis, and mal information. I tried to show how I got fooled by “fake news” in my presentation. :)

The important thing is not the error its what you do next. Do you continue to share/disseminate it? Do you hurt others with it? Do you change your methods of consuming better quality information/media  in the future? 

We want to see a progression model or better habits of minds with kids regarding media and information because it might be TikTok, Whats App, or Snapchat today, but its going to be some other app, source, etc., in the future. 

Q4: Wouldn't it be best to get parents involved so we tackle this problem as a society and not just teacher/student?

Absolutely. We again have resources in the evidence locker to help engage parents. This is a human problem and is not isolated to schools. 

Also, here is a link to a recent book club we just did with over 750 people from all over the world. Inside you will find some resources to work with your community. 

Hver er Darren Hudgins?

Darren Hudgins er höfundur tveggja bóka, annars vegar Fact VS Fiction: Teaching Critical Thinking In The Age of Fake News og hins vegar nýju bókinni sinni Developing Digital Detectives: Essential Lessons for Discerning Fact from Fiction in the ‘Fake News’ Era

Darren vinnur með kennurum, skólastjórnendum og skólum um Bandaríkin að hjálpa þeim að vinna með gagnrýna hugsun og sköpun m.a. með aðferðum ‘Stafrænna spæjara'.

Í frítíma sínum er hann á tjaldferðalögum með fjölskyldunni og hefur þjálfað körfubolta í áratugi.

Hlekkir úr fyrirlestri:

Developing Digital Detective Resources: https://padlet.com/dhudgins/690gxivnutob51k4

An Oregon police department is asking residents to stop calling 911 because they've run out of toilet paper: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/16/us/newport-911-toilet-paper-trnd/index.html

Bækur eftir Darren Hudgins