Dr. Deborah Stipek
Instruction that Motivates Students to Love Learning
Hvað segja rannsóknir okkur um samhengið sem við lærum í hvernig það getur sett okkar innri áhugahvöt í hættu? Það er spurningin sem Deborah spyr og tekur nokkur dæmi um hvernig hægt sé að efla innri áhugahvötina, gefið nemendum meira val um hvaða verkefni þau vinna, hvernig þau geta unnið verkefni sem tengjast enn betur þeirra eigin áhugamálum og hvernig við getum aukið raunverulega samvinnu þeirra.
“School typically violates most of what we know about promoting intrinsic motivation.”
— Dr. Deborah Stipek
Spurningar og svör á Sli.Do
Q1: How do we ignite the passion within our students?
This is a big question! The first answer is to look for topics that students come to school interested in and build on those. It isn’t easy to include students’ own interests in every subject, but more than many people think. A famous calculus teacher depicted in the movie, “Stand and Deliver,” used basketball examples (e.g., calculating the curve of a ball going into the basket) to engage the interest of students. Giving students choice when possible is key. Choice nearly always needs to be within some constraints (the broad learning goals), but students are much more passionate about a topic they choose than one the teacher choses. For example, if the goal is for students to understand biography as a literacy topic, they could choose the particular biography they study. Finally, give students an opportunity to explore a topic they are learning in class in more detail, by suggesting related books or websites, and show an interest in what they are learning.
Q2: Maybe we, the teachers, forget to learn through play is also important for the older students?
This is more of a statement than a question -- which I agree with wholeheartedly. The word “play” is interpreted differently by different people. If we think of play as doing something that we enjoy, anything can be play, including the kind of work we do in school. Students take their cues from teachers. If they convey interest and and enjoyment, that will rub off on their students.
Hver er Dr. Deborah Stipek?
Deborah J. Stipek er Judy Koch Emeritus Prófessor í Menntunar- og kennslufræðum og fyrrum deildarforseti Graduate School of Education at Stanford University, eins virtasta háskóla heims. Rannsóknir hennar og skrif hafa fjallað um námslegan áhuga barna með sérstaka áherslu á nám yngri barna.
Hún segir sjálf að þegar hún var nemandi var það eina markmiðið að fá háar einkunnir. Nám var ekki skemmtilegt, heldur eitthvað sem hún þurfti að þola til þess að fá háa einkunn. Hún hefur nú mestri starfsævinni í það að draga úr ytri áhugahvötum í námi og leggja meiri áherslu á þá innri, og rækta raunverulega ást á námi með nemendum sínum.