Griet Deca

Happy teacher, happy students

Griet fjallar í fyrirlestri sínum um hvað við getum gert til að auka hamingju okkar, og um leið árangur nemenda og ræðir um umbreytinguna eftir Covid og hvernig við getum gert menntun mannlegri.

“Teacher happiness drives student performance.”

— Griet Deca

Spurningar og svör frá Sli.Do

Q1: How do we protect teachers' happiness from negative ideas and outside pressures on the teaching profession?

Remember these 2 key elements:

  1. You’re not only educating young people, you’re educating the world.

  2. Don’t waste your time and energy on trying to convince people. It’s not going to work. If you feel like it, keep on telling and explaining what a challenging job you have being a teacher. Most people have no clue. And if you don’t feel like, let it go. The circles of influence (S. Covey) might help you.

Q2: How can the school system in general better support teacher happiness? What are practical ways?

  • Value your teachers by showing appreciation and telling them how they contribute to making the world a smarter place.

  • Listen to your teachers. Autonomy helps to boost motivation.

  • Give them a chance to learn new things. Self development is one of the biggest issues in the educational sector because if we don’t pay attention, the teacher is an expert on a topic and will only be addressed for this. Stretch their confort zone!

  • Foster good relationships between colleagues. Helping each other out will add more magic to the school than jealousy and talking behind each others back.

Hver er Griet Deca?

Griet er frá Belgíu og starfar sem yfirmaður hamingjumála og stress-þjálfari hjá WooHoo Unlimited. Á hverju ári skipuleggur hún hamingjuvikuna í Belgíu og aðstoðar vinnustaði við að auka gleði og hamingju starfsmanna og var valin Happiness Personality of the Year í Belgíu árið 2019.

Hún á 2 hunda Border Collie og Jack Russell) og stundar með þeim æfingar og alls konar æfingar. Hún segist hafa lært ótal margt um samskipti með manneskjum í gegnum samskipti við hundana sína.