Holly Clark 🇺🇸

Blended Learning: Rethinking Digital Assessment

As we make the shift to blended learning, educators can now get much richer information about student learning and growth by making this one small tweak. Come learn how the idea of Press Record could be your new favorite teaching strategy.

Spurningar og svör eftir fyrirlestur

Q1 How can we utilize technology in a way that is best to bring out different talents in students and in a way to make learning a more meaningful process of each and everyone. 

Svarið hennar Holly: https://shorts.flipgrid.com/watch/12951749207261383

Q2 In your opinion, which “press record” device gives every student an equal opportunity to learn?

Svarið hennar Holly: https://shorts.flipgrid.com/watch/12951781839995087

Q3 We need to be unafraid to use different ways to turn in projects, my school has many different ways. But which way has been the best for you to deliver information to parents in a different way. 

Svarið hennar Holly: https://shorts.flipgrid.com/watch/12951887422423268


“As educators we now must understand the new digital pedagogies, in order to meet the needs of all of our students..”

— Holly Clark

Hver er Holly Clark?

Holly Clark er fyrirlesari og rithöfundur með um 20 ára kennslureynslu. Hún notar tækni í nær allri sinni kennslu og vinnur með skólum um allan heim að aðstoða þá í innleiðingu og notkun á tækni ásamt nemendamiðuðu námi. Bækur hennar eru oftast í kringum efsta sætið á sölulistum Amazon um upplýsingatækni í skólastarfi og miðlar hún þar sinni reynslu og þekkingu.

Twitter: @HollyClarkedu


Bækur eftir Holly Clark


The Google Infused Classroom

A Guidebook to Making Thinking Visible and Amplifying Student Voice


The Microsoft Infused Classroom

A Guidebook to Making Thinking Visible and Amplifying Student Voice


The Chromebook Infused Classroom

Using Blended Learning to Create Engaging Student Centered Classrooms