Kelly Croy 🇺🇸

Permanent Beta: Level Up Your Educational Leadership to Make an Impact in Lives of Students

Embracing Permanent Beta: The key to a successful learning experience is creating a culture of inquiry and personal growth. How? Adopt and apply the mindset of personal beta. Would you want to be a student in your classroom? Every student is one educator from becoming a success story. Kelly will show you how level up your personal and professional leadership to make your class more engaging and fun, get incredible results, take less home, and celebrate the truly great life of being a teacher all while making a lasting impact in the lives of students. It is possible. Overwhelm, frustration and stress should not be the norm. Excellent results are achievable. Teaching and learning can be a joy.

Svör Kelly við spurningum þátttakenda


“Every Student is One Educator Away From Becoming a Success Story.”

—Kelly Croy

Hver er Kelly Croy?

Kelly Croy stýrir nýsköpun og kennslufræði í Port Clinton City School District í Port Clinton, Ohio.

Hann kenndi 7.bekk í Oak Harbor Middle School í Ohio í 26 ár og leiddi mörg nýsköpunarverkefni þar ásamt tölvu-og tækniklúbbum skólans. Kelly trúir því að ‘allir eiga að skapa og það að búa til með tækni sé besta viðmið fyrir því að nám hafi farið fram.

Kelly heldur úti hlaðvarpinu ‘Wired Educator Podcast’ þar sem hann tekur viðtöl við kennara og rithöfunda til þess að læra af og hjálpa öðrum. Hann er bæði Apple Distinguished Educator og Google Certified Innovator, ásamt því að vera PBS Digital Innovator.

Twitter: @kellycroy

Kelly Croy á Amazon

Kelly is the author of the nonfiction books: Along Came a Leader: A Personal & Professional Guide to Leadership, and What Everyone Needs to Know About Bullying: How to Get on with your Life When a Bully Steps Into It.


Along Came a Leader: A Guide to Personal and Professional Leadership

If you desire to become a better leader this book will provide the significant insight you need. Written with common sense, humor and inspiration, this book will lift you up, push you forward, and motivate you to be a bettter leader and a more vital player in whatever organization you serve. In Along Came a Leader, Kelly Croy addresses the lack of leadership in our world and presents six primary solutions to create great leaders. Along Came a Leader is perfect for corporations, schools, sports teams, homes, and any organization that wants to create a culture of influence, success, and innovation.

 Leadership Matrix Tool: