Marisa E. Thompson

Reading, Inquiry & Discussion:
Student-Led Everything
with the TQE Method

Marisa fer í þessum fyrirlestri í gegnum TQE aðferðina sem hún þróaði í lestri nemenda til þess að greina texta en einnig að nemendur bæti sínum eigin hugsunum og vangaveltum við. Þessi aðferð er nú notuð í nær öllum námsgreinum frá leikskóla til háskóla um allan heim með frábærum árangri. Of oft voru nemendur hennar ekki annt um textann sem þau lásu í skólanum og enduðu á því að hraðlesa hann eða fá lánaðar glósur frá öðrum. Með TQE færði hún sig yfir í dýpri skilning nemenda og miklu meiri rödd í það efni sem þau unnu með.

Í fyrirlestrinum fer hún yfir reynslu kennara og nemenda og tekur okkur í sýnikennslu um skrefin sem kennari þarf að taka til þess að innleiða TQE í sína kennslu.

Hvort sem þú ert nýútskrifaður kennari eða hefur kennt í meira en 20 ár, getur þú lært ýmislegt hér sem hentar nær hvaða aldri sem er, í nær hvaða námsgrein sem er. Hér er að finna gagnleg tól sem þú getur byrjað að innleiða og nota strax í næstu kennslustund.

“When we increase the time that students get to offer and build on ideas, they realize that it's not just that their ideas matter, but that they matter, too - to me, to their peers, to our class, and to our community. That's why TQE is the foundation of our course.”

— Marisa E Thompson

Spurningar og svör frá Sli.DO

Q1: Is the TQE suitable for children of all ages? How can we use it with students who are struggling readers and/or writers?

Great question (and a very common question!). TQE seems to be very popular with 9 and 10 year olds but I and other teachers have used variations of TQE with 5 year olds, too. 

The focus is about questioning, thinking, and building on others’ ideas. If we allow our students to share what they think first and then ask questions and lead them to more understanding, then that is TQE. If the students understand the text and can wonder about why the author provided specific details, then they are doing TQE! 

Some teachers find it helpful to give students synonyms and examples for Thoughts (things that would be on a quick quiz, an initial reaction, etc), Questions (lingering questions, questions that cannot be answered by simply reading the text, a question a friend could not answer right away), and Epiphanies (Aha! Moments, Realizations, Something you figured out about humanity, education, literature, life).

TQE is especially great for struggling readers and writers because it’s discussion-based and they cannot be wrong. They finally get to contribute without fear of being wrong. If they share a thought - or ask a question about something they don’t fully understand -  then they are right. And questions can still show us their level of understanding!

Q2: Are students more easily inspired when they get to decide what to do and how to do it? Are we doing enough to teach them to take responsibility?

It takes time for students to get accustomed to making choices for themselves when they have been trained to answer the provided question with the right answer.

Once students get used to this and we intentionally reflect on the process and our progress, they start naturally doing this type of thinking and discussing. Students will actually come into class already discussing the reading and do not need my prompting to start class. It’s a wonderful shift! I tell them often that this is similar to a college-level literature course!

By having students authentically react to a text, they get to strengthen that skill. As soon as they can master the skills of 1) understanding a text, 2) questioning a text, 3) applying their findings to their own lives and 4) participating in an effective discussion about all of those things with people who have had different ideas, then they will be ready for their current reality and any future path. 

Even as the year continues, students seem much more confident and are more willing to offer ideas or express their method preferences so that they can do their work and increase their learning to the best of their ability.

That is the job. That is the preparation of our children so that they can take responsibility for their own learning and be confident and willing to participate in their own dream when the opportunity comes.

Q3: What types of questions (open-ended, specific, motivational, unconventional) are best in your experience to induce deeper class discussions with the TQE method?

There is a slide in the presentation or the bonus video which gives some examples of these types of questions.

I like questions like:

  • Do you really think that’s true?

  • Why do you think that’s the case?

  • Can you explain that point in a different way?

  • What part of the text inspired this discussion/thought/question?

  • Are there other parts of the text which relate to this idea?

  • (Pretending) I don’t really understand this… can you explain? Can anyone add on to further their point?

  • Where would you put this in your essay? Why?

Hver er Marisa Thompson?

Marisa E. Thompson er kennsluráðgjafi, fyrirlesari og kennari. Eftir að hafa séð umbreytandi áhrif þess að láta af stjórn í eigin skólastofu og færa sig úr því að leggja fyrir verkefni og gefa svo einkunnir í það að fá nemendur til að sjá verkefni frá sjónarhorni höfundar en svo bæta við sínu eigin, umbreyttist hennar kennsla. Hennar markmið er að breyta námsupplifuninni fyrir nemendur OG kennara.

Hún hefur búið við strendur Kaliforníu allt sitt líf en hefur verið svo heppin að ferðast til yfir 20 landa og er hennar helsta markmið að heimsækja lönd í Afríku næst.

Hlekkir úr fyrirlestri:

Cult of Pedagogy 👉 Podcast interview with Jennifer Gonzalez:

Original TQE Blog Post:

TQE Discussions and Left & Right Annotations Slides:  

Half the Size, Twice the Man:

A video that includes pictures, videos, and examples of activities which can help prepare students to discuss more in class: