Mitch Resnick
Leikskóli út lífið: Hvernig við styðjum við sköpun í gegnum verkefni, áhuga, félaga og leik
Í fyrirlestri sínum segir Mitch okkur frá sköpunarferlinu og P-unum 4 í skapandi námi (Projects, Passion, Peers and Play). Hann er talsmaður þess að í stað þess að leikskólinn verði meira eins og önnur skólastig eigi í raun önnur skólastig að líkjast meira því starfi sem við vinnum í leikskólanum. Mitch telur að til þess að dafna í framtíðinni þurfi börn og ungmenni að vera skapandi, forvitin, umhyggjusöm og geta unnið með öðrum og eru það starfshættir leikskólans sem styðja það hvað best. Í seinni hluta fyrirlestursins sýnir hann okkur nýtt verkfæri sem heitir OctoStudio og er forritunar-app fyrir síma og spjaldtölvur og tekur dæmi um hvernig nemendum um allan heim eru að nota það til að blanda raunheimum við stafræna heiminn.
“Many kindergartens are becoming more like the rest of school. I'm suggesting the reverse: Let's make the rest of school more like kindergarten!”
— Mitch Resnick
Spurningar og svör frá Sli.Do
Q1: How do you envision the role of innovation and programming in children's education evolving now that artificial intelligence and automation are becoming an increasingly larger part of society?
Let me ask a similar question: Now that AI systems are good at generating text, should children still learn to write? Of course they should. When children learn to write, they are better able to organize and express their ideas, to share personal stories with friends, to become full and active contributors in their communities. Learning to program is similar. When children learn to program, they are better able to organize and express their ideas, to share personal stories with friends, to become full and active contributors in their communities.
AI systems might automate some types of writing and programming. But learning to write and to program will always be important for helping children to:
develop their thinking (to organize their thoughts and analyze problems)
develop their voices (to express and share their ideas)
develop their identities (to see themselves as active contributors)
Q2: Teachers who are insecure and afraid to change their teaching methods. What approaches do you take to help them in their professional development?
As the pace of change continues to accelerate in all parts of society, the ability to think and act creatively is more important than ever. That is true for both students and teachers. To help students thrive in today’s fast-changing world, we need to create learning environments in which they feel comfortable to experiment and try new things. The same is true for teachers. When our research group organizes professional-development workshops for teachers, we try to create an environment in which they feel comfortable experimenting and trying new things -- and they reflect on how they can create similar environment for their students.
Q3: In your opinion, how should education systems adapt to prepare students for a future where jobs and roles are constantly shifting due to rapid technological change?
To help young people prepare for life in a complex, fast-changing world, education systems should focus on helping young people develop as creative, curious, caring, and collaborative learners. Rather than focusing on how to efficiently deliver instruction and information to students, education systems should provide students with opportunities to imagine, create, experiment, share, and reflect, so that they are prepared to deal creatively, empathetically, and collectively with the uncertain and unpredictable challenges that they will encounter throughout their lives.
Hver er Mitch Resnick?
Mitchel Resnick er prófessor við MIT Media Lab, þar sem hann leiðir Lifelong Kindergarten hópinn sem einbeitir sér að því að þróa nýjar leiðir til að hvetja börn og unglinga til að læra í gegnum skapandi leik og verkefnamiðað nám. Hann þróaði m.a. forritunarmálið Scratch ásamt rannsóknarhóp sínum, sem hefur gjörbylt kennslu í forritun fyrir börn og unglinga um allan heim. Resnick hefur haft djúpstæð áhrif á hvernig við hugsum um nám, nýsköpun og sköpunargleði í stafrænum heimi og er höfundur bókarinnar Lifelong Kindergarten: Cultivating Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play.