Pernille Ripp 🇺🇸/🇩🇰

Empowering Students Through Choice and Voice

We hold on to so much power in our classrooms and schools as the adults in charge but what would happen if we distribute the power more evenly to our students allowing them to become empowered throughout their learning? With a goal to create learning opportunities for all that give kids the tools to change the world, this session is meant to get you to question, dismantle, and disrupt the way school is done in order to create more passionate learners.

Spurningar og svör eftir Q&A frá Pernille


“How much do our assumptions about a child play a part in their reality?.”

— Pernille Ripp

Hver er Pernille Ripp?

Pernille Ripp er sérfræðingur í læsi og tækninotkun sem hefur tileinkað bæði rannsóknum sínum og vinnu i það að búa til læsissamfélög innan síns skóla en einnig um heim allan.

Hún er fyrirlesari, rithöfundu, bloggari og einn af virtari kennurum heims er kemur að læsi

…meira hér

Twitter: @pernilleripp

Bækur eftir Pernille Ripp


Empowered Schools, Empowered Students: Creating Connected and Invested Learners.


Passionate Readers

How do we inspire students to love reading and discovery? In Passionate Readers: The Art of Reaching and Engaging Every Child, classroom teacher, author, and speaker Pernille Ripp reveals the five keys to creating a passionate reading environment.


Passionate Learners

Would you want to be a student in your own classroom? In Passionate Learners: How to Engage and Empower Your Students, author Pernille Ripp challenges both novice and seasoned teachers to create a positive, interactive learning environment where students drive their own academic achievement.


Reimagining Literacy Through Global Collaboration: Create Globally Literate K 12 Classrooms with This Solutions Series Book.