Sara Ahmed 🇺🇸/🇹🇭

Centering Student Identity in our Practice

This presentation will ask participants to shift their lens from how we often talk about students and assign them identity to a lens where we really see and value who they are and how they move throughout the day with us and their world.


“We often assign labels and identity to our students rather than allowing them to cultivate their own identity development..”

— Sara K. Ahmed

Hver er Sara Ahmed?

Sara Ahmed hefur starfað sem kennari um allan heim í um 18 ár. Vinna hennar snýr nær eingöngu að starfi hennar með nemendum sem miðar að að finna sína rödd og að skilja samfélög og kerfi til að geta breytt þeim.

Sara er höfundur tveggja bóka Upstanders: How to Engage Middle School Hearts and Minds with Inquiry (ásamt Smokey Daniels) og Being the Change: Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension.

Þegar hún er ekki að vinna með kennurum og nemendum er hún að þjálfa fótbolta eða í tennis með pabba sínum.

Twitter: @SaraKAhmed

Bækur eftir Söru Ahmed



"Upstanders is about helping young people question the world, build knowledge, become skilled researchers, and communicate thoughtfully-in the service of humanity, not just themselves." 

-Harvey "Smokey" Daniels and Sara Ahmed


Being the Change: Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension

Topics such as racegenderpoliticsreligion, and sexuality are part of our students' lives, yet when these subjects are brought up at school teachers often struggle with how to respond. How do we create learning conditions where kids can ask the questions they want to ask…?