Trevor MacKenzie 🇨🇦

Exploring Inquiry Mindset: Cultivating Spaces that Transform Learning

Exploring Inquiry Mindset: Cultivating Spaces that Transform Learning will explore the research around successfully implementing inquiry-based learning in the k-12 setting with specific attention to sharing resources to support teachers in inquiry with students as well as creating a culture of inquiry in the school.

Svör frá Trevor við spurningum þátttakenda


“Student agency is more than voice and choice. Student agency is empowering students to take on import roles in our world..”

— Trevor MacKenzie

Hver er Trevor MacKenzie?

Trevor MacKenizie er rithöfundur og margverðlaunaður enskukennari (móðurmáls) í Oak Bay High School í Victoria, Kanada. Hann trúir að dagurinn í dag sé sá besti til að vera kennari með því að efla vald nemenda yfir eigin námi, tengja það við sterka kennslufræði og nota tækni til þess að læra og deila

Trevor er höfundur tveggja bóka sem snúa að köfunarnámi (Inquiry based education) sú fyrr heitir ‘Dive into inquiry: Amplify Learning and Empower Student Voice’ en sú nýjasta ‘Inquiry Mindset: Nurturing the Dreams, Wonders, and Curiosities of our Youngest Learners’ (ásamt Rebeccu Bathurst-Hunt).

Twitter: @trev_mackenzie

Bækur eftir Trevor MacKenzie


Dive into Inquiry: Amplify Learning and Empower Student Voice

What do you truly love to do? That single question put educator Trevor MacKenzie and a struggling student on an unintended and life-changing journey of inquiry, discovery, and meaningful learning. It was a journey that completely reshaped the way MacKenzie leads his classroom.


Inquiry Mindset: Nurturing the Dreams, Wonders, and Curiosities of Our Youngest Learners

From their youngest years, our children are innately curious. They explore the world around them through play, imagination, and discovery. They build meaning, they create understanding, and they unabashedly share their learning. It’s in this process that they find joy in life and relevance in the world around them.

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